“In Spain, the dead are more alive than the dead of any other country in the world.” – Federico
Garcia Lorca
Spain is a country with a vivid variety of cultures, arts, and architecture. When in Spain, one
doesn’t run short of activities to do. It’s either the beautiful beaches or the museums or
architecture. Spanish is the most spoken language, although with two origins- original Spanish
and Catalonian. The main sport in this country being football, it has given this sport its
worldwide recognition. FC Barcelona and Real Madrid are the major football clubs. Major cities
include; Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Mallorca, Seville and Malaga. Several islands surround it
and have attracted millions of tourists for the weekend getaways or for a simple relaxation. Ibiza
and Canary Islands are the most visited ones. Thus, this country’s lively spirit will remain in your
heart for as long as you live.