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Khadi--The New Fashion Symbol of India

The Indian fabric Khadi, also known as 'khaddar' has now started gaining attention in the

fashion market. Since khadi is the symbol of our national pride which came to light by the

strenuous efforts made by our national leader, Mahatma Gandhi.

Have we ever given a thought to the question,“ What was his purpose behind introducing Khadi when India was grappling for its freedom against the Britishers?”

The main reason was to promote and bring into cognizance the importance of handloom followed by boycotting the British culture. Khadi is one such fabric that blatantly showcases the freedom struggle of India, and is hence known as 'The national fabric of India'. Khadi is one such fabric that involves weaving and spinning threads on a specially designed wooden charkha. The main feature of Khadi is that that it`s versatile in nature. The fabric moulds according to the weather, that is why it can be worn in all seasons. The texture is coarse so it gets crumbled up easily but starched which maintains the firmness and crispness of the fabric.

It is time for us to endear our culture and promote these fabrics at the international level by

becoming VOCAL FOR LOCAL. It`s time we upgrade our styling tacts by including the

use of Khadi in our clothes When we promote our culture with full enthusiasm, we can set an example for the Gen Z audience by making them aware of how beautifully we can incorporate the use of these fabrics in clothing lines and how much relevance do they add,

they might remain oblivious of the beauty of their culture.

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